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Femtosecond laser writing

We use femtosecond laser writing technology (FSLW) to fabricate waveguiding structure in various transparent optical materials. Irradiation of the sample with tightly focused pulsed laser light forms a volume with modified refractive index. The positive/negative change in refractive index allow to write the core/cladding by translating the sample along desired trajectory thus creating elongated tracks with modified refractive index, capable of low-loss light-guiding. The technology is easy to fit vast problem scope ranging from writing optical waveguides to mechanical micromachinig and microfluidics.


Programmable integrated photonic chips

Linear-optical quantum computing requires precise optical hardware for efficient fault-tolerant performance. Integrated photonics provides both stable high-quality interferometric circuits and toolbox for active reconfiguration of the circuit structure. FSLW technology enables one to engrave the pattern of electric heaters on top surface of the chip. Setting the currents on the heaters defines the unitary transformation implemented by the chip. The research on this topic is centered around finding optimal strategies to tune, set and reconstruct unitaries in desired logical basis.


Integrated polarizing devices

The polarization degree of freedom of the photon is a well studied resource for quantum information processing. However manipulating it on an integrated chip might be nettlesome. Standard lithography typically produces waveguides with high anisotropy and polarization dependent losses. On the contrary FSLW-written waveguides exhibit very low induced anisotropy level. This feature makes FSLW integrated platform particularly appealing for on-chip polarization state engineering. We elaborated the technique to locally induce high anisotropy and thus enabled the FSLW-written waveguides to efficiently transform polarization state of light.
