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Quantum computing with single neutral atoms

Our group uses arrays of single Rubidium atoms trapped in optical dipole microtraps to build prototypes of quantum registers for quantum computation and simulation. We use holographically shaped optical tweezers to create arbitrary two- and three-dimensional arrays of microtraps. These arrays are dynamically reconfigurable, allowing us to create uniformly filled arrays of single trapped atoms cooled below 50 uK. Using hyperfine sublevels of the ground state as the logical qubit states we may turn the atomic array into a register of up to 100 of individually addressable and controllable qubits. Our main challenge is to reliably implement high quality single and two-qubit gates in this architecture, thus realizing an intermediate scale quantum computer, capable of demonstrating computational supremacy in real-world tasks, such as computing the ground energy of many-body quantum systems.


Single atom – single-photon quantum interface

Individual atoms in our register may be addressed all-optically, using high NA lenses installed inside the UHV chamber. Using strongly focused light fields one can achieve strong interaction of single atoms with light at the single photon level. Our group is experimentally studying this ultimate regime of light-matter interaction at the level of single quanta. We are experimentally studying the limits of several coherent effects in quantum optics, such as EIT, in the single atom regime with possible applications to quantum memory with single atoms.
